The creation of this site was made possible thanks to a number of open source tools and contributions shared on the net. The site is coded mainly in Typescript with the Nuxt 3 framework, which is itself based on Vue.js 3 (with the Composition API). It is hosted at Infomaniak on a Cloud server managed by myself and runs under Node JS . The Https certificate is provided by Let's Encrypt .
Here is the list of other tools used:
- Tailwind CSS for formatting and adaptive design
- The icons come from
- The backend is built with Nitro which handles server rendering (SSR) for SEO
- The frontend is built with Vite and its famous hot replacement (HMR)
- SEO is provided by the Nuxt SEO extension
- The sitemap.xml file is built using the Nuxt Sitemap extension
- Security is assured by Nuxt Security
- Testing is provided by Cypress
- Continuous deployment is provided by Gitlab CI
- The background is drawn in Three JS , with textures from and inspired by Bobby Roe
- Internationalization is managed using the I18n extension.
- The source code is available on this Gitlab repository
- The code is subject to the GPL v3 licence